It's too bad the show got cancelled. It was really good. And especially the first seasons could have been drawn out a lot more with at least twice the episodes that they actually had. I really liked Nick Cutter and I was sad to see him leave the show so early on. He is one of the reasons the first two seasons were the best and, like I said, should have been longer than they were.
I normally don't like British shows, I guess I just don't get their kind of humor or anything. I (don't laugh) even understand what they are saying. Which is not always the case with Briitsh shows and probably why I don't like to watch them.
I looove the movies. And even though this show will never get on the same level with the movies, it still is pretty darn good. It is funny, it has good cases, and after watching the first three episodes it has really found it's stride. There is a connection between the two main characters and they play off each other really well.
And now I am kind of sad that the show has been cancelled after only one season - it was really good and I have been looking forwar to a new episode every week.
I just could not get into this show. Just didn't grab me. No specific reason.
I only watched the beginning of the first episode and all I can say is that this is not my kind of show. Reading the preview it sounded alright but once I started watching . . . Well, I guess I am missing the appropriate English kind of humor for this show.
And it seems to be a real teenie-show. I watch a lot of teenager shows but this is for a different audience. Definitely younger than what I expected. And too British for me.
It was a pretty good movie and it would have made an awesome pilot to a series. Too bad it is only a movie. There was a lot of potential to make it into a series. I really would have liked to see more of it.
Just finished the first two episodes and I can say I am officially intrigued. I love a good space show. And I am going to keep watching and see where it will take me.
Sorry to say it didn't take me very far. For some reason, I just could not keep watching. I like the storyline, it is really good. And, like I said, it is intriguing. But for some reason it just didn't get to me. Watching a show shouldn't be a chore, it is supposed to be fun. Just wasn't doing it for me.
It's really good SciFi. I am halfway through the first season and I really like this show. I haven't watched a good SciFi show in a while and this is definitely it for now. Just hope they keep going for a while.
10 Episodes for the first season wasn't a whole lot. Hope the next season has more episodes and that there will be more than just two seasons.
It was okay but nothing that really got to me. Didn't even finish the first season.
It's a completely different concept. And it took me a while to get into it. Knowing the killer and the victim right away and not guessing with the detectives felt weird in the beginning. But the concept kind of grew on me. Finding out the motive, what made people do what they did - I like it.
It is different and well worth watching!
It's ok. I guess I thought it would be a little different. But it is worth watching it.
They could have put some more effort into it and not make her so - well, I don't know quite how to put it, but she is not "Zorro" enough. Some of the character are blurry in the way they are acted out. Like Captain Grisham, and his relationshipt with Vera. How does she fit in? Other than being Grisham's lover. Where did Grisham, clearly an American, come from and how did he end up the lapdog of a Spanish Colonel in a little town in California? I would have liked to see more of the Doctor. What about his background, how did he end up in this little town in California? What about his story? What about his relationship with Tessa and the Queen of Swords?
They skim over a lot of things without going deeper. And that's kind of sad, because there could have been a really good show that could have lasted for quite a few seasons.
The show is okay and it is worth watching if you are a really big Zorro fan and get a kick out of seeing the roles kind of reversed. But not really anything to rave about. And I can kind of see why they cancelled it after only one season.