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huge fan of the books and (of course)the movies so was dubious. Found the first series to be not at all what I expected and so threw me off a little,but in a good way. By the time the second series had concluded was completely hooked in that 'yay, get to veg on the sofa with my favorite show tonight' way.Compulsively addictive viewing - highly recommended.
Addendum: So sad... how did this get cancelled. Intelligence in cinema celebrated, intelligence in TV gets you cancelled. Final episode was incredible. Compliments to EVERYONE involved in this show, it was clearly a labor of love and those of us who don't mind working our brains a little appreciate it!

Criminal Minds


Absolute must see. Never fails to draw you into the story. Characters are well defined and you really care about them. Even similar story arcs are treated in such a way that you never feel like you are watching the same episode. Here's to many more seasons