The series follows the events and concept of the film trilogy, in other words the continuing adventures of Frank Martin, a professional freelance courier driver for hire who will deliver anything, anywhere – no questions asked – for the right price, and lives by three, unbreakable rules...which he constantly breaks. Chris Vance takes over the role of Frank from Jason Statham and is joined by Hungarian actress Andrea Osvárt, who plays the leading female role in the series, starring as a former CIA agent and love interest for Frank, who organizes his missions, and French actor François Berléand, the only returning actor from the film series, who reprises his role as Inspector Tarconi.
For all of us who have loved and lost our favorite TV shows to the Cancellation Monsters, here is a list in progress. Whether you liked the show, enjoyed it or are heart-broken that it's gone, leave your comment below and I'll add as many as you like (doesn't matter how long ago it was canceled) to the list. Vent, cry or just leave the show title, let's see what shows we all miss. : )
A work in progress, I am so far behind in most of these that I'll need a fortnight off work just to catch up on one of them!!!! Some, I missed when they were shown, others I forgot about them as they went on hiatus or perhaps didn't like them before but have been persuaded to give them another chance...if you see this list and have a recommendation, leave it in the comments! :)
Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.
Shows that ended on cliffhangers. My biggest tv pet peeve... Feel free to let me know any shows I missed in the comments! I want this one to become a community list!