2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls

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Mon 10:30 PM EDT on CBS (United States)

Concluded (United States)
6 Seasons, 138 Episodes
30 Minutes
17,505 tracks
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Set in New York City, the series chronicles the lives of two twentysomething waitresses -- Max, who comes from a poor working-class family, and Caroline, who was born rich but now down on her luck -- working together at a Brooklyn restuarant. The two become fast friends and set their dreams of one day opening their own cupcake shop (in which they need to raise $25,000 in order to make it happen), even though they have to find ways to make ends meet since they can barely afford anything with the pay they receive at work. Working with them at the restaurant is their boss Han Lee, Oleg, a cook, and Earl, the cashier.