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2. Started, lost interest, may still watch.

127 Shows

Shows I've seen at least one episode of, either couldn't find sources or lost interest.

Get in my Belly!

10 Shows

Show about food, cooking/baking, and of course, Masterchef.

Not Interested

60 Shows

Shows I have no interest in ever watching.



Campy awesomeness. This show had a great run, and a spin off .. or two. This ended the way I like my series to end, wrapped up in a neat little package.

2 Broke Girls

Great cast make this show super funny. It should be around for a while. Two broke girls working as waitresses trying to make a few bucks to make a business.

Harper's Island

When main characters are killed off in each episode, I can't stop watching. This show is a good one to watch with the lights out.