Black Sails takes place 20 years before Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale Treasure Island and centers on Flint, a fast-talking pirate, and his adventures with new crewmember John Silver as they fight for survival of the New Providence Island -- a paradise filled with pirates, prostitutes, thieves and fortune seekers.
This list will not make me popular, but it's the truth. These are TV shows everyone is buzzing about, but for some reason, I (and my husband) just can't get into them. We've tried at least 2 episodes of each of these series before deciding to stop tracking. Is it the storyline? The acting? The popularity? We loved Dexter and Breaking Bad so why don't we like to watch these?
Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.
I don't *get* these shows. Wildly popular, some have amazing critical acclaim - Mad Men, I'm looking at you, yet I can't watch more than a couple of episodes and I'm distracted the entire time. Apart from Baywatch, I just can't believe I'm not watching the rest of them. Maybe in a few years...until then I'll concentrate on the shows I really like and the ones I absolutely love.
If one of your faves is here, no offense meant. I *know* they're good, they're just not for me...