The Simpsons is an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the FOX and Sky Network. It is a satirical parody of the "Middle American" lifestyle epitomized by its title family, consisting of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Set in the fictional town of Springfield, the show lampoons many aspects of the human condition. The Simpsons is also one of the longest running television series in the "Big Yellow Race". A movie based on the television show, (The Simpsons Movie), was released in Summer 07.
Got partway, don't plan to finish for some reason. Either the quality dropped (The Simpsons), or I really wanted to love them but they just didn't click for me (Buffy), or what I saw was interesting, but not enough to invest time in the whole thing (The Borgias).