Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue

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Sun 11:00 PM EDT on NBC (United States)

Concluded (United States)
3 Seasons, 36 Episodes
60 Minutes
4,129 tracks
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In a provocative new drama, the iconic Jennifer Lopez stars as sexy New York detective (and single mother) Harlee Santos, who falls in with a tight-knit group of dirty cops, taking bribes and protection money that she uses to provide the best life for her honest and talented daughter. When she’s trapped by the FBI, however, and forced to inform on her own “brothers,” she’ll have to walk the fine line between love, loyalty, honor, and betrayal, and try to keep things together for her daughter’s future.
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Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.

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Don't plan on watching right away, but I'll get to it.

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They're also coming!

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I don't *get* these shows. Wildly popular, some have amazing critical acclaim - Mad Men, I'm looking at you, yet I can't watch more than a couple of episodes and I'm distracted the entire time. Apart from Baywatch, I just can't believe I'm not watching the rest of them. Maybe in a few years...until then I'll concentrate on the shows I really like and the ones I absolutely love. If one of your faves is here, no offense meant. I *know* they're good, they're just not for me...

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Shows focused on law enforcement.

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TV Shows

849 Shows

by James Adkins

My big list of TV shows that I watched, plan to watch or currently watching. Tracker is the big enough .

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Who says our protectors don't have problems too. some of these cops are worse than criminals (Graceland) (Chicago PD) (Gang Related) and some of them deal with forces we can't understand (supernatural)(Lost Girl) (Beauty and the Beast). but there are those that are in a league of there own (the mentalist) (castle) (psych) (the closer). and those with amazing intellect (elementary) (bones) (scorpion) the one thing they all agree on is people are capable of anything given motive and opportunity. and all they have to do is PROVE IT!!

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these series ended on there terms, some of these finales were epic and will forever go down in tv history as amazing. and some were absolutely trash (cough, castle, cough, cough). but all in all they got to run there course which is all any writer/tv fan wants closure

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