Early Edition

Early Edition

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Mon on CBS (United States)

Concluded (United States)
4 Seasons, 90 Episodes
60 Minutes
357 tracks
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What would you do if tomorrow's paper came to your door today? If you knew that you were going to die? Be lucky in love unlucky in life? That's what Gary Hobson (Kyle Chandler) has to ask himself every day.
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For all of us who have loved and lost our favorite TV shows to the Cancellation Monsters, here is a list in progress. Whether you liked the show, enjoyed it or are heart-broken that it's gone, leave your comment below and I'll add as many as you like (doesn't matter how long ago it was canceled) to the list. Vent, cry or just leave the show title, let's see what shows we all miss. : )

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TV Shows

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by kookos

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by henneberg

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