Damages is an American legal drama television program. The story revolves around a ruthless lawyer, (Glenn Close), attempting to win a class-action lawsuit against the former CEO of a corporation, (Ted Danson), on behalf of his former workers, by any means necessary.
This list will not make me popular, but it's the truth. These are TV shows everyone is buzzing about, but for some reason, I (and my husband) just can't get into them. We've tried at least 2 episodes of each of these series before deciding to stop tracking. Is it the storyline? The acting? The popularity? We loved Dexter and Breaking Bad so why don't we like to watch these?
A list where we get together and add in our favorite shows, shows that we just flat out adore. For me it's all things Aaron Sorkin but I'll start it off with his finest work so far, The West Wing. I would love it if you'd join me in adding in your favorite shows and if you can't choose just one then make a list and I'll add them in. :)