Carnivale, is an award-winning American television series and period drama set in the United States during the Great Depression. In tracing the lives of two disparate groups of people, its overarching story depicts the battle between good and evil and the struggle between free will and destiny; the storyline mixes Christian theology with gnosticism and Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar. The show was filmed in Santa Clarita, California and other Southern Californian locations.
For all of us who have loved and lost our favorite TV shows to the Cancellation Monsters, here is a list in progress. Whether you liked the show, enjoyed it or are heart-broken that it's gone, leave your comment below and I'll add as many as you like (doesn't matter how long ago it was canceled) to the list. Vent, cry or just leave the show title, let's see what shows we all miss. : )
I thought some of these shows were good if only given a little (TAM) time attention and money they could have been great!, some were kinda crap but i liked them anyway, and some were awesome but were never given a chance to succeed......