Sophisticated and unique, this comedy centers on novelist Hank Moody (David Duchovny) who struggles to raise his 12-year-old daughter Becca (Madeleine Martin), while still carrying a torch for his ex-girlfriend Karen (McElhone). His obsession with truth-telling and self-destructive behavior -- drinks, drugs and relationships -- are both destroying and enriching his career.
Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.
More popular titles that I haven't watched or I started and never finished. There needs to be more time added in the week.
Watched: Falling Skies, Without a Trace, Numbers, Six Feet Under, Flashpoint, Psych, Gilmore Girls, Lost Girl