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Netflix Originals

20 Shows

Netflix Originals


7 Shows

shows that are over. :(


2 Shows

Shows that haven't started yet.



The 100

This show is really great; not too many people are into this yet, but I think it has really great potential. This is one of those shows that you binge watch and scavenge the internet to find episodes of, because you cannot get enough! A real nail-biter!

Once Upon a Time

I love the way that this show takes your typical fairy tales and puts a spin on them all so that they connect and intertwine. I'm always wondering what will happen next. The special effects are kind of bad in certain fairy tale scenes, but other than that it's a really compelling show!

Doctor Who

If you haven't heard of doctor who then you must be living in the dark because your hiding from the silence (those guys are creepy). Clearly the fantasy element of the show has pulled in a huge cult fan base; it's a great show that combines science fiction, fantasy, great movie make-ups, great special effects, drama and comedy. He's the doctor - he can do it all! (trust me)