Fri 4:00 AM EDT on Netflix (Online)
This documentary tell the story of small town Oregon and what happened when Indian guru Bhagwan created a commune next door. It is an engaging tale where most people get to tell their story of what happened. And did a lot of things go down over the years the commune existed in Oregon. The story is told very compellingly with a near perfect mix of interviews and old fotoage. It lays out the fact from each person and leaves the viewers to judge. No one is presented as fully good or fully evil. It is fascinating.
*Review written after watching all 6 episodes*
This has to be one of the most bizarre pieces of Oregonian history.
It is the story of a religious group spearheaded by a guru and his secretary which they moved from India to Oregon, USA. Once there, they built a community and tried to make it into an independent city.
As all interesting stories, it came to a head eventually, but maaaaaan this is one big roller coaster ride and if you are interested in documentaries about cults, religions, and humans finding themselves: definitely go and watch it!
Enlightening... How easy it is to go from Guru to Cult, from believer to follower, from comfort to greed, Osho the indian Guru and a very dark past.
loved it. one of the best docomantry of netflix!
A really interesting story. A lot about human nature, religion, conspiracies, etc. There are so many different things going on and so many different sides to it that thankfully the 6 hours doesn't feel dragged out or boring, it's such a complex story it really needs that much time to tell it!