We'll Meet Again

We'll Meet Again

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Tue 9:00 PM EDT on PBS (United States)

Hiatus (United States)
2 Seasons, 12 Episodes
60 Minutes
23 tracks
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Exploring some of history's most dramatic events through the personal stories of those who experienced them, the series brings together people whose lives intersected at pivotal moments. "We'll Meet Again" reveals these moving personal stories of hope, courage and love: from a Vietnam War baby desperate to find the American father she last saw 40 years ago to the military chaplain who helped a stranger through the trauma of 9/11, from a Japanese-American girl interned in 1942 who never forgot the classmate who helped her during her darkest hours to civil rights workers whose lives were forever changed by the deep relationships they formed in the 1960s South. WE'LL MEET AGAIN takes viewers on a journey of hope, searching for clues in marriage records and war and immigration documents, and combing archives to reunite those separated by time and distance.
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