The Other Kingdom follows the journey of Fairy Princess Astral (Esther Zynn), who has to choose between being a fairy princess or becoming human, as she is set to inherit the crown of her royal kingdom of Athenia. Leaving her fairy world behind to pursue her ultimate dream of life as a mortal, Astral's adventures begin when she enrolls into Theseus High School as a freshmen exchange student. With the help of her new friends Tristan (Callan Potter), Morgan (Celina Martin) and Devon (Taylor Adams), and magical spells and fairy dust, her journey through human teen-dom is full of laughs, self-discovery and romance, until a sinister plot threatens the fate of her fairy kingdom. With her time in the human world running out, she is torn between saving her homeland and choosing her new life---and she only has 90 days to decide.
Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.