The series revolved around protagonist Nick Fallin, a corporate attorney sentenced to 1500 hours community service with Legal Services of Pittsburgh as the result of a drug conviction. The plot focused on Nick's community service and recovery from drug addiction, as well as his strained relationship with his father who was president of the corporate law firm where Nick was employed full time. It included guest stars such as Farrah Fawcett and included scenes with the Pittsburgh Police in multiple episodes.
Concluded TV Shows, Movies and Miniseries I watched and un-tracked to get to 500, and other shows I watched and not on tracker. 500 badge is still in profile after tracked shows is less than 500.
I don't sleep and I'm disabled and haven't been able to work since retiring from the US Navy 13 years ago all I do is watch TV Movies and make my own knives. Yes, my shop has a TV so I can watch still. I've had Insomnia all my life so I guess when it comes to watching shows some say I cheat, LOL.