The Casual Vacancy


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The Casual Vacancy

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Sun 5:00 PM EDT on BBC One (United Kingdom)

Wed 9:00 PM EDT on HBO (United States)

Concluded (United Kingdom), Concluded (United States)
1 Seasons, 3 Episodes
60 Minutes
639 tracks
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The Casual Vacancy centres on Pagford, a seemingly idyllic English village with a cobbled market square and ancient abbey. Behind the pretty façade however, is a town at war: rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils. Pagford is not what it first seems.

User Reviews

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This definitely isn't a feel good mini series, nonetheless it provides a great insight into the thoughts and feelings of the people of Pagford and highlights a serious issue that can get to your heart.

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I wasn't immediately impressed by this show but as it progressed and events began to unfold, I really felt drawn to it. The show gives insight into the lives of the rich and the poor and how their lives differ and may even be similar. I was gripped by storylines such as child abuse, drug abuse, neglect, and most shocking of all, Krystal's untimely death which was such a surprise. She was a strong character who grew on me as her true self was revealed and I felt that her death was a great way to end the series.

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Great, quirky, wierd, spooky, brilliant. I need to read this book! The music was perfectly combined to the scenes. All the acting and filing was superb and spot on. I was glad to see actors i grew up with in a totally new light proving how great they are. JK Rowling proved she knows how to tell a story for adults and not just kids.

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its good but not as good as the book

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Watched the first episode .. not gripping enough to keep me interested.

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gripping suburbian drama with catchy characters and deep social criticism. the cast delivers the depths of the characters convincingly and with an inner truth that is amazing. especially rory kinnear's performance, although short, is outstanding.

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It is a slightly tamed down version of the book but still highly gripping and involving. It deals with very real issues (drug and child abuse) that happen in and around a small British town called Pagford but which are glossed over by the self-proclaimed and superficial "elite". This is not a fairy tale and certainly does not have a happy ending but you will relate with it all the same as we can all identify with these characters, having met them in our lives in one form or another. J.K. Rowling's mastery shines true once more and although it is not a carbon copy of the printed story, fans of her writing will love this show as well. I also loved the setting (picture-perfect), the acting (spot-on) and the choice of music. All in all a good solid show- ideal to watch over the weekend (after reading the book ;) ).

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this show was difficult to get into and then i didnt enjoy it

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It's really slow and seems like it was probably better in book form. I honestly was fairly bored through the whole thing but I still wanted to see how it ended.

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Meh! Not a fan.