Described as a Cinderella story for modern times set in Hollywood, the drama follows Megan Morrison, a beautiful young actress who auditions for the female lead in a summer blockbuster playing opposite Kyle West, the hottest actor of the moment. After an amazing audition segues into a dream-like first date, Megan’s Cinderella story takes a turn to the bizarre when she is presented with a contract that details an entire relationship with Kyle. Megan must weigh her options and the benefits and consequences to her career and her life overall… and decide whether or not she will accept “the arrangement.”
Shows that I've watched from the very first pilot to the very last episode even though it did not have a proper ending because it was abruptly cancelled by the network. I really hate it when networks do that as each show deserve a proper ending. If you want to cancel a show, at least let it film 3 more episodes or something so they can add closure to the show.