Street Fighter II V is an anime series based on the fighting game Street Fighter II. Directed by Gisaburo Sugii, the series first aired in Japan in 1995, from April 10 to November 27, on YTV. As of July 2007in 2005 the premiun chanel wam was the first us network to air the series and the first network to air the whole series.Japan only aired the first 13 episodes or so, re-runs of the series started to air Mondays on Sci Fi. The series is a loose adaptation of the games, taking several liberties with the established canon of the games. The show follows the adventures of a young Ryu and Ken, as they go through a journey to improve their martial arts skills after they both experienced a brutal defeat at the hands of Guile. Other characters such as Chun-Li, Cammy and Sagat appear through the course of the series with radically different character designs and backstories from their original counterparts.