PBS NewsHour is the long running news magazine broadcast every weeknight on PBS. The show was created by veteran newsmen Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer, and has been on the air since 1975. In 2009, the show previously known as The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer became The PBS NewsHour. This updated version also featured co-anchors, something that hadn't been implemented since the mid 90's when MacNeil co-anchored. Current correspondents and contributors for PBS NewsHour include Jeffrey Brown, Gwen Ifill, Hari Sreenivasan, Ray Suarez, Margaret Warner, and Judy Woodruff. One of the major differences between network news and the PBS NewsHour is that because the show is publicly funded, there are no commercials. This allows the NewsHour to dedicate more time to comprehensive reporting. Since its premiere, the show has been the recipient of countless awards. In 2009, it won the National Association of Media Literacy Education, Media Literate Award; in 2008 PBS NewsHour was awarded the News and Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Coverage of a Breaking News Story in a News Magazine.