Based on the comedic viewpoints of Aziz Ansari, the show follows the personal and professional lives of Dev (Aziz Ansari), a 30-year-old actor in New York who has trouble deciding what he wants to eat, much less the pathway for the rest of his life. Ambitious, funny, cinematic, and both sweeping in scope and intensely personal, Dev's story takes him through subjects as diverse as the plight of the elderly, the immigrant experience, and how to find the most delicious pasta for dinner.
Even though Netflix is a massive platform the Belgian Netflix is probably nowhere near the quality of the American one of the UK one. Not only are we robbed of some damn classics we also do not have english subs on anime on netflix. There is no option for english dubbed anime and the only subtitles are french. It's not like I do not speak french but even still, totally backwards thinking there. Only One-Punch Man is an exception which I'm grateful for. Here are the Netflix shows I have on my gigantic list.