Mon on NBC (United States)
A fantastic show! The Zen detective made for a wonderful character, and seeing his approach to solving crimes made the tiresome police procedural format. The over-arcing plots were interesting too, though the show being cut short did diminish the quality of the second season. I think my favorite parts were the little moments that showed the impact prison had on the main character and his friend. Very powerful, but never overdone.
It is a shame they canceled this show. I really enjoyed it. There is so much more it could have gone with the zen detective. I really wanted to know all there was to be known about the people that framed him.
loved this show, it's a pity it had to end.
I feel Life is underrated, which is a pity!
Loved this show!
good show with great story line
Great mystery and characters to bad it didnt last longer
Loved it from beginning to end.
One of the best, fresh, cop shows written, perfectly cast, and SO SATISFYING. Makes you think and contemplate on several levels. A FANTASTIC 'BINGE WATCH'. Then watch it again in a few months.
The first season of Life was top notch TV, then the studio interfered, and ruined the second season; then cancelled the show. Watch the first season its great.
A framed cop and his angry partner solve crimes unorthodoxly without solving this tedious procedural case of the week show.