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Tue 11:00 PM EDT on FX (United States)

Concluded (United States)
6 Seasons, 79 Episodes
60 Minutes
4,375 tracks
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Timothy Olyphant stars as U.S. Marshal Givens, a modern-day 19th-century-style lawman enforcing his brand of justice in a way that puts a target on his back with criminals and places him at odds with his bosses in the Marshal service.
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All Done

241 Shows

by KenoshaMike

I've seen Every Episode. These concluded shows are so good, I took the time to make sure I saw each and every episode!

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More popular titles that I haven't watched or I started and never finished. There needs to be more time added in the week. Watched: Falling Skies, Without a Trace, Numbers, Six Feet Under, Flashpoint, Psych, Gilmore Girls, Lost Girl

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382 Shows

by gusters

Shows that have concluded.

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120 Shows

by gusters

Anything dealing with crime solving/police

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The shows I watch the most and more than once. These shows are current and canceled and have watched many times. During a current shows break I'll watch a season just to hold me over till it's back on. Some of these canceled shows I watch once a year.

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Just Awesome

27 Shows

by subminx3

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Crime and Punishment

36 Shows


Let's play Cops and Robbers (and their lawyers)

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