Spin-off of FBI. High-stakes drama that focuses on the Fugitive Task Force, which relentlessly tracks and captures the notorious criminals on the Bureau’s Most Wanted list. Seasoned agent Jess LaCroix (Julian McMahon) oversees the highly skilled team that functions as a mobile undercover unit that is always out in the field, pursuing those who are most desperate to elude justice.
Who says our protectors don't have problems too. some of these cops are worse than criminals (Graceland) (Chicago PD) (Gang Related) and some of them deal with forces we can't understand (supernatural)(Lost Girl) (Beauty and the Beast). but there are those that are in a league of there own (the mentalist) (castle) (psych) (the closer). and those with amazing intellect (elementary) (bones) (scorpion) the one thing they all agree on is people are capable of anything given motive and opportunity. and all they have to do is PROVE IT!!