Celebrity Family Feud is a spin-off game show created by NBC, hosted by television weather anchor Al Roker. The announcer is Burton Richardson. Celebrity Family Feud pits two families against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. This version, a spin-off of the original Family Feud, features celebrity families instead of regular families, and is a revival of the primetime All-Star Specials featured during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This version also features five-player teams composed of a celebrity captain and four friends and/or relatives, with a $50,000 charity payoff at stake. In addition, it features a modified version of the current syndicated set, and uses the classic theme music ("The Feud," as heard on the Combs version from 1988 to 1994) as the opening/closing theme and as faceoff/commercial cues. Celebrity Family Feud was taped at Sunset Bronson Studios. Roker was chosen as the host of this version because, at the time of taping, the current syndicated daytime host of Family Feud, John O'Hurley, was committed to a series on another network (the one-episode flop Secret Talents of the Stars).