Benched is a half-hour courtroom comedy that focuses on Nina (Coupe), a dedicated, career-driven corporate attorney who has a very public nervous breakdown after getting passed up for an expected promotion, and finds herself working as a public defender. Harrington stars as Nina’s new colleague, Phil, a tall and handsome, if not a little scruffy, public defender and avid gambler.
Shows that lasted for one season that I thought were pretty good to great! A lot of these shows will make it in the Too Soon... list as well, but some of these shows I thought showed a lot of potential in their first season, but might not have had a place to go had they been renewed.
Best of this List: BrainDead, Death Note, Save Me
Worst of this List: Persons Unknown, Red Band Society
Shout-Outs: Benched for bringing Jay Harrington and Eliza Coupe back into my life (Better Off Ted and Happy Endings crossover!)
Best Friends Forever for starting my love affair with Lennon Parham and Jessica St. Claire
BrainDead for having the absolute BEST premise for a show in 2016 and popping into my head every time I hear "You Might Think." Also, those re-cap song masterpieces.
Jason O'Mara for his presence in this category. You'll get 'em next time Jason!
The Crazy Ones for that amazing cast and the shear amount of fun had by all who watched
Death Note and Future Diary for representing anime everywhere!
Harper's Island for taking risks and stretching a slasher film out into a season-long show... and actually being a lot of fun!
The Middleman for Dub-Dub and being way ahead of its time and also deserving much better treatment than it received
Persons Unknown for hooking me and getting me excited with a crazy plot, despite not really liking the characters
Save Me for being unapologetically hilarious but I guess to only me?
Trophy Wife for being more fun than I wanted it to be
Vegas for bringing Dennis Quaid back into the mix
Working the Engels because Andrea Martin is amazing and that show was kooky as hell