The Legend of Korra is set in the Avatar universe as a spin-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The new series takes place seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender story arc with new characters and settings. The protagonist of the new series, Korra, the Avatar after Aang, is a hot-headed and rebellious young woman from the Southern Water Tribe who is ready to take on the world. The series follows Korra as she faces an Anti-bending Revolution while mastering the art of airbending from Aang and Katara's son, Tenzin.
Shows I loved to watch at some point (or at least checked out), but can no longer watch due to what He Who Shall Not Be Named did to me. A guy who meant the world to me really, really hurt me and these are shows we watched together. I can no longer bear to watch them and even the mention of some of them can trigger panic attacks. So please, don't mention them to me!