Arrested Development

Arrested Development

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Thu 3:00 AM EST on Netflix (United States)

Concluded (United States)
5 Seasons, 106 Episodes
30 Minutes
8,317 tracks
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Arrested Development is a character-driven American comedy television series, which ran from November 2, 2003 to February 10, 2006, and then was resurrected by Netflix. It is about a formerly wealthy and habitually dysfunctional family. The series is presented in a fashion reminiscent of documentary film/cinema verite, with omniscient narration (by Ron Howard), archival photographs, and historic footage.
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313 Shows

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16 Shows

by LittleBox

My all time favourites

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95 Shows

by henneberg

It does exactly what it says on the tin.

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Funny moments

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10 Shows

by irishhedgehog

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These shows not only showcase great acting and writing, but they also left their mark on the TV industry itself and became my personal faves.

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