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Lionne Reijsbergen


The Vampire Diaries


Didn't watch it but after getting hooked by the Originals starting to watch and totally loved it, ok The Originals is still a 100 times better but i can't wait till its okt. and i can watch the new season of both of them (and Arrow & the flash) it's going to be a great fall this 2014 ;P


This show is fantastic! i can't stop watching. And My concession is not very long, especially in the evening, but I still watch 1.5 episodes on one night (at least). That does not work with me and commedy for 20 minutes. And every episode is 50 minutes. So that says something ...
The show is hysterical and has short senes it all goes very fast. (it takes place in the Jewish congregation and you know how they talk)
beautifully put down is the fight to make it as a female stand-up-comidian of Maisel in the 50s after her husband has run away with his secretary (why are those men always sleep with their secretary? Can not they find anyone else?)
Top show definitely recommended!

A Discovery of Witches


Half way true the first episode i think this show is going to be great. (The fact that one of my favorite actrece (Alex Kingston) playd a smal part thit help)
Its going to fill the gapp that the originals left now that of stopt (ok we also tot Legacy fore that)

The Good Cop


according to sidereel there is just 1 episode (26 sept 2018 i write this) Luckily that's not rite Netflix has the hole first season (10 episodes) online (well in the Netherlands don't now about the US of course)
The show is funny but the "mysteries" the detective has to solve ar a little simple most of the times it's clear who did it and why. (to us not to them) but the great Italian/NY accent and the fun interaction between father and son makes more than up fore it. ( i now that sentence wasn't good)



The old MacGyver is a little bit before my time (1985) ok i also love the A-team (1983) and watching M*A*S*H (1972) fore the 3 time rite now, but the MacGyver from 1985 i have never seen. (1 day i will i love to see Richard Dean Anderson aka Jack O'neal in action) I think thats a plus when you watch this show. If you seen the old show this thing is going to suck (can i say that?)
If you start watching thinking, well we will see and find out the show is okeey.
It's really funny and there are a lot of one-liners in the show. But i have seen 5 episodes by now and there isn't any dept in the show or characters. Thay try jes, dead fathers, girlfriends turn out to bad stuf like that but stil on the survis.
I am afraid the show is going to be canceled afther 1 season (the avg stars here is 3,38 of 5 and on IMDB it's even 4,4 from 10 so a lot of people don't like it) but till the time is there that the show is of the air i am going to enjoy my 40 minutes of laughs and don't believe anything MacGyver is making real works in real life.

3 guys get them self in the most weirdies situations.
The episodes starts and ends whit Cooper talking to the camera/us and every episode has a "life lesson" in it fore how to survive after college.

Ridiculous of course but it's funny.

Angel From Hell


after seeing the pilot i don't now yet if i a going to love ore hate this show.
Jane Lynch is playing a guardian angel who is mixing up the life of Allison (Maggie Lawson, Psych ) to save here from here self.
Jane who we all now from Glee (of course) plays the roll bigger than life, the others are more "normal" making Jane even more annoying. I hope here character is getting a little bit less weird an over the top but i don't expect it.

Truth Be Told


to bad the show ended after 10 episodes it is/was a fast and funny show. ok a show as we have seen a thousand times but being original in a sitcom is getting harder and harder and isn't what i expect anyways.



the show is pretty bad but ok to watch if you want to fill 20 minutes of your time.



after 10 episodes this show (still) isn't my favorite sitcom not even from the season but it's funny in of to keep on watching. I think the reason i don't like that much is because the characters just don't feel real. still makes a funny tale but just not on that make me want to swatch all episodes rite away.