Great opening episode, successfully transcribed into a series from the movie that came out in 2000 of the same name/concept. I have to say, I think I even like this episode better than the movie. Good cast and equally good acting. I will definitely be following this series in the months to come. Refreshing mixture of sci-fi, thriller and drama. Enjoy!
Sparrow, is an excellent episode, if not one of the strongest episodes I've seen on TV for a very long time. I forgot I was watching TV. It addresses so many taboo subjects that often get swept under the rug, or portrayed in such a way that it becomes part of the grotesque, leaving us sitting like voyeurs on a couch. Suicide, incest, sexual abuse, mental illness, love vs discord; all addressed and yet very fluid and pertinent. Tonight, it was real. The pain, the confusion, the battles and the grief, hit home. It will be unlikely that this episode doesn't strike a very real chord somewhere in you. Reminding you of how real this world is.