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I tried, I really really tried to like this series. I just couldn't do it. I never liked any of the characters - except for the old guy who was really badass and the Johnny Depp look a like son. The show just hasn't answered any of the questions that I thought it would. It seems like it's a really bad rehash of TWD. At least with TWD, it pulled you in with the first episode. This show just didn't do it for me. This series could have been gold with different actor choices and a better script. I just can't watch it because of the lame ass direction it's going in.
I was a big fan of True Blood - the books and the show - but this show went past my radar. A family member put me on to this. 10 minutes in and I was like,"YES!!! FINALLY!!! Something decent to watch with a supernatural flair." I'm already addicted to this show, and now my fiancee is. I can tell it's going to get better and better. Can't wait to see how it grows.