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3 Shows

For the person who can't stand idiot TV.

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This Marvel universe installation is perhaps their finest work. Dark and gritty, heartbreaking and sentimental at times, solid character development with captivating narrative - and some of the best modern fight choreography on television. Good enough to forget Iron Fist ever happened - in fact, I'm officially wiping that white-washed dribble from my memory because of the salvation provided by Punisher.

Certainly viewers should prepare themselves for very visceral gore and extreme violence - but I think this is inherent to the shows message - it doesn't shy away from portraying the horrors and aftermath of the war industry - how soldiers are encouraged to abandon morality and commit violence without question, without the means to return to society in a functional way.

An array of veteran characters portray their post-war experiences and means of survival in new light. There are strong female leads and inspired, accurate and respectful ethnic representation in the casting. The linking between Madani and Ocean's plots would have benefited from some stronger plot and detail (e.g. flashback between Madani and her partner Zubair), but a forgivable and forgettable oversight.

Oh, and holy moly Frank can take a beating... Enjoy!