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Curtain Call

5 Shows

Shows I have finished watching and have concluded



Grey's Anatomy

Was intrigued by all the comments and recommendations I had to watch this show, and I was not disapointed. This show and its Spin-off Private Practice were executed to perfection. The interwoven storylines give the show a refreshing 'new start' to each season regardless of the original cast memembers departures over the timeline of the show.

I was a skeptic at first - "how could one make a tv show centered on a relatively unknown minor character" if anyone knows its Marvel. This dramatic time-period series is ultimately one of the best I have seen. It has its hooks in all the right places and never ceases to disappoint. This is definitely a show to watch for people who are fascinated by period television as this is definitely part of a genre that is very difficult to get right!


Smallville is in my opinion, a brilliant coming of age comic show. The humour is old school and slightly comforting whilst also having the action that comes with superheroes. In the early seasons, it does tend to be fairly monotonous, but as a whole, this was a great viewing experience.