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I watch too much TV....


Ugly Betty


I love this show mostly because it brought the brilliance of Willhelmina Slater into my life. It is warm, funny and soapy. Every thing i want in a show to pass the time. I think it did end at the right time though, storylines were starting to dry up.

Married to Medicine


Interesting to see another approach to reality TV in Atlanta by mixing Doctors with socialites, still a ridiculous amount of bitching, hair pulling and calling each other out. Still brilliant trashy TV.

2 Broke Girls


2 Broke Girls is one of my favourite comedies, I love that the main characters are female and that every single episode is funny. Sometimes I feel like the characters aren't as developed as they could be, but I still love every second.

Teen Mom OG


Breaking down the fourth wall on this series has been a delight to watch, I wish that more reality TV shows would take up this format, it has made it so much more watchable and made the girls that bit more relatable.

One Big Happy


Where do I start with this one... Elisha Cuthbert is a delight as Lizzy and the chemistry with the male character is spot on. Kelly Brook on the other hand, lets just say her acting/comedic capabilities aren't exactly stellar. Coming from an English person who is used to her irreverant personality, the way she shrieks every single joke makes me want to punch my screen. This show MIGHT have worked if they would have made a bit more effort with B part characters such as family, but just focussing on the living situation became a bit tiresome.

Teen Mom 3


I can see why this was cancelled, there was just something missing from the initial premise. There was just not enough drama, not enough dirt and not enough to come back and watch.



Great chemistry, developed characters and witty dialogue make this show the brilliance that it is. Selina Meyer is my idol, politics needs more like her.

Up All Night


I wish this show wasn't cancelled because I loved it so much. Laugh out loud funny and heart warming to boot.

Devious Maids


Finally a show that can rival the brilliance of Desperate housewives, thanks Marc Cherry. This is full of drama, yet is also witty and brilliant, juggling suspense and comedy this show is amazing.

Snooki & JWoww


Somehow no matter how entertaining these central characters to Jersey shore were, they just didn't carry enough over to their own show. Still funny, yet it became more of a family-wedding-baby show towards the end (somehow i don't think that's what the producers were after).