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This Is Us

Can someone say "Parenthood"? I'll watch the second episode because I want to see what the next steps are for a few of the characters. A few of the others will have a second chance to win me over. After the reveal in the first episode, they have big shoes to fill... can they do it? I'm interested in getting to know Beth a bit more, as she seems like the underutilized character as of now (it being just the first episode I've watched only).

Separation Anxiety

The hosts are annoying. Nice try, bye bye.

The Masked Singer

First, I didn't watch it for the judges. I watched it to see what types of performances come from "famous" people who are stuffed in hot, sweaty, self-designed costumes. Some of these people don't deserve the fame they have simply by being, but alas, hello America. I was interested and stayed interested because as much as I thought one particular singer was the Peacock, Peacock had me second-guessing myself though I thought I knew all along for sure. That's just one example. I'll be back, and if they put over-rated celebrities (aside from Ken Jeong, whom I actually like because he didn't pretend to be more than he was) back on the panel of judges, I'll just pause and forward through their "critiques" and fake/forced tears. Personally, I think they should get a panel from the fresh alumni and have them critique/guess/etc.