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Ofgandalf Cadena

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Z Nation

If I could give this less than a 1/2 star, I would. I expect way better from SYFY. There's not much of a story line or character build. It's a half assed attempt at a zombie drama/parody and the equivalent of an ADD kid who was shoved in our direction.

How do you write a review about a real life tragedy..... Tragedies. Based on the first 3 episodes, the acting and the way scenes were filmed, made me well up with fear, frustration, dread. I'm not from New Orleans so I can't say how accurate the inside perspectives were captured but it was indeed a perspective I hadn't really been able to dig deep into before. My idea of what situations may have occurred and how those things may have occurred was very vague until I saw it unfold in these episodes. It's given me a new appreciation for what I have and for the people that go out of their way to help those before they help themselves.

Channel Zero

Originally I was super excited to hear that some of my favorite Creepy Pastas were going to be turned into a show. Unfortunately, the show ad libs way too much and completely changes the story which in turn becomes just extremely disappointing.
Nice try, Channel Zero, but you overshot by a lot.