When this show first aired I began watching and then somehow go out of it, but when I returned to continue the watch fest I was SHOCKED that I ever stopped! This show definitely doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Great writing, the comedic acting is on point and HELLO: attractive cast much? There's something for everyone, and it seems to just get better with each episode. I recommend giving it a chance, and I don't mean "ok I'll watch 1 episode and then give up on it" kind of chance, I mean a genuine "ok I'll watch multiple episodes and thank you later" kind of chance. So go! GO BINGE WATCH!
Let's be serious, Mindy Kahling is hilarious, therefore it's no surprise that her show is clearly hilarious. I often walk away from watching the newest episode saying to myself "can I just be Mindy and call it a day?". I love her quick wit, her confidence, how delusional she is about finding the perfect love story and her outlook on life in general. Not to mention it was a breath of fresh air to find out that I'm not the only one who narrates my life on a daily basis. We all do that, right? A great show to watch for a mood booster, a giggle (or 12!), and a new and improved 'kick butt' attitude!
I wasn't even 6 minutes in while watching the Pilot episode and I knew this was going to be a kick ass show! Great acting, awesome concept and you KNOW it's going to be suspenseful as ever! I'll be coming back week after week with this one, that's for sure.