Started out epic. Watched it painfully to the end. Where the plot, storyline, and ending made you feel like someone held a fresh cut onion under your eyes then broke your pinky toe just for kicks.
Happy they canceled this one. The plot disappeared after about half way through. Was a shame to cause actors did a decent job.
Was happy to see this one get canned. Even though it's hard to compete with Keonu as the original Constantine. I gave this one a shot. Thinking it looked awesome after watching the trailer. But alas it was not. It dive bombed itself into obscurity ones we all realized just how bad the acting really was.
Started out strong just never developed a fanbase. People felt like they were betraying the original a cult classic. When you get it right the first time, just seems like a cheaper knock off.
Believe it or don't better than Smallville.
Watched every episode waiting for it to get better. It never did, then it got canned.
Was an ok sit in if Law & Order wasn't on.
Loved it from beginning to end.
Was an ok spin off of the Law & Order genre just didn't have enough spark to continue.
Naked mole rat lol!