I was hesitant about watching this show for 2 reasons: 1) I like Penn Badgley so wasn't sure how I'd go seeing him in this type of role and 2) the whole premise of making a violent stalker (because yes, that is what he is) as the "good guy" is not something I agree with. However, I'm 3 eps in and I'm hooked! I find the tone of Penn's narration of Joe (his character) and his thought processes so compelling and want to hear more about how he views situations and interactions (mainly because they are sometimes completely off base!) and find it intriguing how he then justifies his actions. Yes, there are a few clichéd parts which have been used to "endear" us to Joe and, as the main character, the writers need to do this. It's a fine balance that's needed however, and as long as they don't completely try to convince us he's an ok guy (which he absolutely is not!), then this show has real promise.
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Completely bummed that they cancelled this show - Sean Bean was absolutely stellar in his role and I loved the twists and turns. Admittedly I binge watched both seasons which may have made it easier to keep track as they jump back and forward in time and I noticed others commenting on that fact. Yes, season 2 was different to season 1 but by no means less imho. Sad to see this go as another season would have been awesome!
Funnily enough, I feel the complete opposite to another reviewer on here! I really liked season 1 - there was intrigue, there was character development, there were lots of thought-provoking moments and at times a sense of darkness which made it so fascinating to watch. But season 2, right from the new intro, just threw me. Whoever decided that "up-beat" music was the way to go for such an intense show needs to be sacked. As the other reviewer said, it's like a whole different show....yep, but unlike them, I found it worse! I mainly took issue with the music they chose for certain scenes - the storyline keeps going on in roughly the same vein, but in most of the season 2 eps they use this "up-beat" and completely wrong (IMHO) musical score. It feels like they are trying way too hard and it totally doesn't come off or fit in with the show and the intrigue we are used to in season 1. I will keep watching but can't help but cringe every time they put "arty, up-beat" music to a scene which totally deserves more intense sound.