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Original! Suspenseful! International! Absurd, of course, and funny! I've truly seen nothing like it and can't wait for episode 2!

Survivor's Remorse

I couldn't disagree more with the negative reviews written here. This show is hilarious! It's not just about fame and money. It's about all the things we don't think about or see happening in the lives of the recently rich and famous - from people coming out of the woodwork wanting cash to endorsement deal problems to "domestic violence" issues. I find all the characters to be vibrant & interesting (except I hope that the mom is allowed to show more layers soon), but the uncle is so funny he deserves a spin-off!


LOVE this show! So funny and original! Doesn't just go for the cheap, easy jokes. The supporting cast is spectacular. Their characters are absurd and bizzare but lovable and hilarious. Really hate that it was cancelled!