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Food Shows

1 Show

Previous season

37 Shows

Catch up before new seasons begin

Cancelled but Maybe

11 Shows

Might be worth watching even though cancelled . I'll get to these when I'm done watching everything else & really bored, laid up in bed.



Night Sky

This series gives you a slow start. It doesn't really get interesting until episode 4, but Sissy Spacek carries you through any thoughts you might have to give up on it. She'll keep you tuned in to enjoy her impeccable talent. I would enjoy a second season.

Russian Doll

This one is pure genius. Delightful , intelligent, creative, compelling and mysterious. High praises & 5 stars ♥

Shades of Blue

I like this show. It's gritty but not gross. Many things going on, every character is in their own drama. Ray is very good in this part, Jennifer is great in hers