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Star Trek: Voyager


I love all the Star Trek series, but I like the "middle three" (DS9, TNG, Voyager) the best. It's hard to pick which of the three I like best though, but this one is really good. love the characters. This along with TNG and Enterprise I felt could've easily went on for another season (or two?). Goes without saying that this is a great sci-fi series and a great Star Trek series. Obviously if you are a fan of one or the other you should check this show out.



I really enjoyed this show. yeah it was a little cheesy and took 10 years for Clark to become Superman. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. Had some good action and some good characters. It did struggle a bit in later seasons, but I believe it picked up in quality again in its final season. If you are a comic book, superman, superhero or just an action fan in general, you should give this show a shot.

Great comedy show, I will miss this series. Luckily I have 10 years and over 1000 episodes to watch (or rewatch). Only talk show/comedy show that I watch.

Star Trek


This is a very cheesy show, but what more do you expect? it's a 1960s sci-fi show. That being said, it is still very enjoyable and it's fun to see all the "futuristic" gadgets in the show that have actually become a reality. It is nice seeing all the original Star Trek characters. This is a show that started it all. Without it we wouldn't have DS9, Voyager or TNG. Once you get past the age, it is actually quite a good show.

This was the first TV show/sitcom that I actually watched from start to finish on DVD. I am a big Will Smith fan and I absolutely love this show. It isn't the greatest sitcom, or even my favorite, but I will always like it for nostalgic reasons. The first four season are the best though, 5 and 6 are good, but not as good as the previous seasons.

How I Met Your Mother


One of my favorite sitcoms. Love all the characters. I haven't finished the series yet though, and I already felt (at season 7) that the show was starting to drag. Hope that last two seasons are good though when I get around to watching them.



Love this show! Great comedy, characters, and plots. Love the meta humor.

This show was pretty good. I enjoyed it more on my first viewing. But it still is a good show. It was nice being able to be involved in the Terminator universe for an extended time. That being said I HATE the ending, only because it was the ultimate cliffhanger and the show was canceled so we will never find out what happens. 3 season would've been nice.



This was such an addicting show! I know a lot of other people didn't like the last couple of seasons (let alone the ending) but I enjoyed it all the way through the ending.

Stargate SG-1


I love this show. Great sci-fi series. I wish it could've went on for at least one more season. It's rare when you find a show that goes on for 10 seasons, and you still end up wanting more. That being said, I understand why they quit after 10 season. Better to stop when you are on top instead of ending your run with a mediocre season. This has everything a good sci-fi show should have.