Not an especially original premise, but the first episode does show some promise. Good acting, nice chemistry, and I admit I kinda want to see where it goes.
Brilliant! Departed from the books in some significant ways, but stood well on its own merits. Great acting (superb for a Science Fiction show on SyFy), well written, and very nice special effects. Cancelled not because of low ratings, but because the channel it was on wanted cheaper shows. Well worth a watch.
One of my favorite shows of all time. Whimsical and dark, absurd and serious, and tragically romantic. I adore all of the main characters and found myself really rooting for them. I strongly recommend this show to anyone with a sense of humor. It ended too soon, but the last episode has a quick epilogue that ties things up in a happy little bow. Give it a chance!
Based on the pilot it's an excellent start to a new show. Established the new hero quickly and competently, without overdoing the drama. Ruby Rose did a great job, so that's very promising. Despite the low lighting it's still not as grimdark as much of DC's stuff. I'm also glad that they revealed what they did in the final moments, rather than dragging it out over half a season or more.
I'm sorry to see this show end. It was cute, funny, charming, and kinda creepy. Odd mix, there, but effective and addictive.
The best part of the show for me was the different personalities that the zombies took on depending on what (who) they ate. It really gave the actors a chance to have fun, and it really shows when the cast of a show is enjoying what they do. Definitely worth a watch, if you haven't seen it yet.
One of the few cancellations that was actually painful to me. Clever, quirky, funny, charming... This show had everything I wanted, and then threw a bunch more stuff in just because they had it lying around. Fantastic writing, great acting, and a constant descent into increasing oddness. Please give it a watch, if you can.
A fantastic show! The Zen detective made for a wonderful character, and seeing his approach to solving crimes made the tiresome police procedural format. The over-arcing plots were interesting too, though the show being cut short did diminish the quality of the second season. I think my favorite parts were the little moments that showed the impact prison had on the main character and his friend. Very powerful, but never overdone.
Here's the thing: As of the last scene at the end of the second season, everything that came before it is rendered meaningless. None of it needed to happen. The fundamental motivation for what literally everybody was doing for two seasons was based on false info.
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I absolutely loved this show, but there is one exception which I will get to at the end. The cast was almost universally good or great, the writing was mostly very good, and I really liked seeing all of the different types of Wesen (creatures) the show came up with. Some were traditional, like werewolves; some were based on myths and legends that I don't think are commonly known in my area; and some were entirely new. A great show, and I'd heartily recommend it for those who like scifi/fantasy shows.
The one caveat, unfortunately, is the character of Juliette. I'm not trashing the actress, even though I think her acting was the weakest of the main cast. The writers just didn't know what to do with her character. Some of their solutions (avoiding spoilers here) were soap opera level bad. I thought the character had promise, given the show's use of human-animal hybrids and her veterinary knowledge, but the writers went a different direction. I actually stopped watching the show for most of a season because it got so bad. Not the actress, mind you, but the plotlines they gave her.
That being said, I'd like to again recommend that people give this show a chance. I heard a rumor that the show may come back with a new cast, which would be amazing.
It's a show about a society consisting solely of teenagers. The first season presents a mystery regarding how this happened, but makes little progress in resolving it. The acting and writing are acceptable, but not brilliant. Good if you like teen drama, but otherwise...