I was so excited to watch this until I did... It starts amazing, but slides down to storyline holes, too much characters and little information to follow on.
Captivating and always at the edge of you seat. A crime solving thriller like no other.
Forever a fan!! a great way to not only learn about people and the way we work so hard to believe and lie in and for each other. but also an entertaining sun sexy and gruesome show
An interesting idea, believing that there is a magic solution to the population's general non ability to surpass expectation and be great without all the work. But somehow its initial appeal fades within the last episodes.
compelling fun story about two people in love but too proud or even stupid to realize!
scary and eye catching! Found it by accident and enjoyed the entire season in a day!
Fun and clever!
Whats not to like about a bunch of crazy women in a prison! Its a creative funny and ingenious show!
starts a bit slow, but after the second episode I got totally obsessed!
Its a show about 8 very interesting people that are connected in an incredibly emotional way. The union of their stories is amazing!
This show is not crazy good! but Ifreakin love it! Its funny, and clever! Like I read in some other comment below.. Who doesnt love a cute zombie chick solving mysteries!?