I always choose seemeanly bad shows to watch while I'm working, and as I started watching this Archie
Comic Wanna be adolescent inspired show I'd never guess I'd liked it as much! It's crazy and over complicated but very engaging! It's like you're average teen drama was cooked with some extra crazy musical lover spice!
A comedic star to the female revolution, Ms Maisel rebels against a society and family who try to pull her down, unsuccessfully of course, In her way her character inspires me to own up my femininity and every part of my personality, good or bad. It's quite inspiring and VERYYY funny
I watched it cause duh SMG but is not that good of a show, still has a coll storyline
your typical pretty girl does makeovers!
liked it but got too obvious in the end, couldn't finish it
Cruel and complicated, beautiful to watch, great photography and wardrobe. Villanelle is a great character. A killer and a Detective son into each other is just hot jajaja
Oh yes sir!!!! This is like Desperate Housewives with a bigger budget and a better art director!!! AMAZING
This is a weird show! Interesting but complicated, such a serious undertone for everything and suddenly it up to folk tales to solve the mystery.
Few and short episodes of different subjects involving our mind and its functions! cool calm and short! easy to watch!
The perfect combination, a love child between the director and producers, the complicated life of a teenager and growing superpowers! I saw all of it the same day and it made me feel so much better!!!!