The fourth spin-off anime in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, the story takes place in the near future, in a place called Paradise City, where Leo Corporation creates new advancements to Solid Vision that gives life to Duel Monsters. New advancements to Solid Vision give physical mass to monsters, environments, and allow players to interact directly with them. It also gives birth to challenging Action Duels. Action Duels allow duelists to traverse environments to locate Action Cards to help them in a pinch. The story follows Yuya Sakaki who is a second year middle school student at Paradise City's You Show Duel School. Yuya’s father, Yusho Sakaki, disappeared three years ago when he was scheduled for a Duel against the Action Duel Champion and was deemed as a coward who ran away. To clear his father's name, Yuya faces off against the current Action Duel champion and awakens a new power from his pendant known as Pendulum Summoning.