Led by President Tate (Cunningham) and his core team of Stella (Norris), Cass (Mays) and Fleur (Manson), they take charge having settled alongside Expeditionaries Mitchell (Bamber) and Jack (Ashley Walters). A diverse group of individuals who left their old lives behind, now promised a second chance at life they create a society, far away from their home, friends, family and pasts. Settled in the town of Forthaven on Carpathia, they are passionate about their jobs, confident of their ideals and optimistic about the future.
Since I hit the 500 show wall, and received the recommendation to move shows that I used to watch, but which are now gone into a list, I am creating said list.
Some of the things i like, i know its rather random but most of the shows are definitely worth the watch.
Others are just drunken laughs.. dont judge me lol.
Mostly Sci-Fi shows but anything out of the ordinary catches my attention so the list may seem a little strange to some.