October Road is a drama series that debuted on ABC on March 15, 2007 immediately following the popular Grey's Anatomy. The series is produced by ABC Studios. It follows the return of Nicholas (Nick) Garrett to his hometown of Knights Ridge, Massachusetts, a decade after leaving. Bryan Greenberg) left home ten years ago to go backpacking in Europe for a few weeks and find himself. He left behind his girlfriend Hannah (Laura Prepon), best friend Eddie (Geoff Stults), and his family. The brief trip ended up lasting for a decade. Garrett is now a famous author and screenwriter living in New York City. Between the parties, social engagements, and living in a beautiful loft-style apartment, Garrett is stuck in writer's block for his next story. His agent books him to do a one-day writing seminar at the local college in his picturesque hometown of Knights Ridge, Massachusetts. Nick is excited about coming home, but realizes the feeling isn't completely mutual although his family and most of his friends welcome him back effusively. Hannah has a son, Sam, 10, and due to his age Nick questions if the child might be his. Eddie is upset with Nick for ditching out on their business proposal and making him look like a fool in his book. Others are also upset with things Nick wrote in his book about the town. Nick will soon learn that it will be quite a readjustment coming home and that nothing will ever be the same again. When Nick learns that Sam has a nut allergy like all male members of his family he decides to stay in Knights Ridge and persistently tries to obtain a job at that local college ("the duff") despite botching the one-day seminar with a bad case of nerves. He eventually wears down the college Dean by pleading for the job on her lawn late at night. She finally relents after he badly sings "Where is Love?" from the Oliver Twist musical. Nick seeks out the boy, Sam, but backs off when Hannah remonstrates with him. Nick's father also becomes convinced of Sam's paternity when he sees the boy has similar looking eyes to those of the widower's late wife.