Moonlight is an American supernatural television drama created by Ron Koslow and Trevor Munson, who also serve as executive producers alongside Joel Silver, Gerard Bocaccio and Rod Holcomb. The show is a horror series that follows a private investigator, Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin), whose bride, Coraline (Shannyn Sossamon), turned him into a vampire on the couple's wedding night 60 years prior; he struggles in the present day with his love for a mortal woman, Beth Turner (Sophia Myles), and his dealings with other vampires in the city.
Come close, whisper in my ear and tell me the one show you will never admit to loving, not to your family, friends, co-workers, not even your spouse. You may even watch it online because your partner (damn her/him) shares your TIVO or just because, like me, you like having a secret show to watch. Tell all here, and I swear I will add each one into the list. I promise, only you, me and